The Texbase Blog

Your go-to resource for expert tips and insights on all things materials, testing, color, compliance & supply chain management.

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Results for "Supply Chain Management".

Episode 8 Featuring NEMO Equipment

Rick Vance (Director of Quality at NEMO Equipment) shares insights on how to streamline communication, enhance collaboration and improve document organization for more efficient and productive supply chain documentation.

Episode 7 Featuring Gordini

Learn how Texbase has helped Gordini to implement a material management system to track certificates, collaborate with supply chain partners and manage compliance data and documents – improving traceability throughout the product development process.

The Risk of Being Reactive

When it comes to supply chain value, it’s measured by more than just your bottom line. Sure, margins and profits are an important part of business. But companies are starting to realize the true value of data. And when it comes to compliance, data can make…or break…a brand.

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